Webinar sponsored by WorkBright

Hire Smart, Grow Fast: Mastering I-9 Efficiency
For high-volume hirers, fast and compliant I-9 verification can make the difference between gaining a competitive edge and falling behind. Join our webinar to learn from leading staffing firms how optimizing their I-9 process instantly increased hiring capacity, reduced time-to-hire, and enhanced audit readiness. This is your opportunity to learn:
- How high-volume hirers can boost capacity with a remote I-9 process
- One change to immediately reduce your I-9 admin burden
- What faster I-9 completion can do for your bottom line
- Costs and risks in an audit and how to stay prepared
- Tips and tactics to balance compliance with hiring speed

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Sharyn Dingertopadre
VP of Client Success and Operations, AllWorkWith deep experience in client success and operations within the staffing industry, Sharyn Dingertopadre is the VP of Client Success and Operations at AllWork. With a holistic understanding of the industry’s unique demands, Sharyn continuously seeks out new technology solutions to deliver value and exceed client expectations.
Jenice Bell
Manager of Customer Service, AllWorkAs Manager of Customer Service at AllWork, Jenice brings a warm-hearted and tech-savvy approach to her role. Focused on optimizing business processes through technology, Jenice leverages solutions that drive faster, compliant onboarding and operational success.
Chapelle Ryon
CEO, WorkBrightChapelle Ryon is the data-driven CEO behind WorkBright. Her team is on a mission to ease administrative burden and Form I-9 pain for HR and staffing professionals. Under Chapelle’s leadership, WorkBright has serviced over 1.5 million employees, with 40% YoY growth, and become an award-winning remote employer.
Lauren Pfanmiller
CRO, WorkBrightA creative problem solver with an entrepreneurial spirit, Lauren is the CRO for WorkBright, overseeing all aspects of the customer experience. With experience building and leading teams to drive innovative product development and sustained long-term growth, she is intensely focused on driving value and increasing ROI for customers across WorkBright’s portfolio.