Staffing Hub selectively accepts articles written by outside industry experts. We are most interested in submissions that focus on topics related to the future of the staffing industry (e.g., technological advancement, supply and demand, talent shortages, talent acquisition, digital tools, AI, social recruiting).
Before submitting an article, please ensure it conforms to our guidelines:
- Articles should be about topics, not products or companies. For content sponsorship or other advertising opportunities, download our media kit.
- Articles must be previously unpublished.
- Articles must be between 750 and 1500 words.
- Authors must provide a short bio (<50 words) and a headshot (min. 200 x 200px).
- You may supply original artwork (images, graphs, etc.).
By submitting an article, you agree to the following:
- Articles may be edited. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Changing titles, headings, and subheads
- Editing for style and tone
- Adding or changing links
- Adding or changing artwork
- A link back to your company’s website will be included in your bio only.
- Articles will be exclusive to our site for one week, after which you may republish the article on your website with a link back to the original article on Staffing Hub.
- Articles may or may not be distributed in our weekly newsletter and via our social media channels.
How to submit an article:
- Send your completed article via email to [email protected] using the subject line “Contributed article from [Insert Your Name].” Please include all materials (article, bio, headshot, artwork).
- If your article is accepted for publication, we will contact you within two weeks.
For more information about advertising with us, including banner ads, featured products, sponsored content, and sponsored emails, click the button below to download our media kit.