Crelate Enhances Talent Platform with Powerful New Reporting Features

Bothell, WA – July 10, 2024 – Crelate, a leading provider of recruiting and staffing software built for staffing and  recruiting agencies, is excited to announce a series of major updates to its reporting capabilities within its talent platform. These enhancements are designed to empower every recruiting and staffing agency to run and scale  their business on the Crelate Talent Platform and gain meaningful insights into their businesses. 

Key updates include: 

  1. Workflow History Filter: A new filter for Candidate charts enables users to create reports based on  candidate movement through specific workflow stages, enhancing pipeline management. Recruiters can  now identify bottlenecks in their hiring process and optimize their workflows for faster placements. 
  2. Primary Owner Filter: This new filter, available in both Reports and Search, allows users to filter records  owned by specific users across all core record types, improving data management efficiency. Teams can  now easily track individual performance and manage workloads more effectively, leading to improved  accountability and resource allocation. 
  3. Activity Duration Metrics: New filtering options for Activities reports now include Average Duration of  Activities and Duration of Calls, measured in minutes, providing valuable insights into time management  and operational efficiency. This feature helps users identify time-consuming activities, optimize their daily  schedules, and potentially increase overall productivity and placement rates. 
  4. User Dashboards and Inline Filters: With Inline filters, you can effortlessly switch between different users  and dates on your reports without needing to create and manage multiple report pages. Additionally,  these reports can be shared with individual users, locking the filter to each recipient. This allows Admins  to create dashboards for all their users with just a few clicks. 

“These reporting enhancements are the result of extensive customer feedback and reflect our commitment to  providing our users with the tools they need to make data-driven decisions,” said Sarah Gossin, VP of Delivery at  Crelate. “We understand the importance of tracking key metrics within our platform, and after meeting directly  with senior leaders across our customers, and these updates will allow our customers to see and analyze their  data.” 

Crelate’s product team engaged in numerous one-on-one sessions with customers to gain deeper insights into  their business processes and reporting needs. The company plans to roll out additional improvements related to  reporting, metrics, and data throughout the year. 

For more information about Crelate and its latest features, visit  

About Crelate 

Founded in 2012, Crelate is a fast, flexible recruitment platform for modern talent businesses— recruiting, staffing,  and consulting. With 1,600 customers, Crelate enables agencies of any size to compete with industry giants while  preserving their unique processes and competitive advantages by integrating a powerful and customizable ATS,  Recruiting CRM, and back-office management. With an intuitive and flexible architecture, Crelate equips firms with  the tools to make more placements, win more business, and seriously scale teams.  

At Crelate, our mission is to grow lasting prosperity for all through the empowerment of entrepreneurship and  employment. To learn more about Crelate, visit