Private employers added 106,000 jobs in January, according to the latest ADP National Employment Report, after a boost of 235,000 jobs in December.
“In January, we saw the impact of weather-related disruptions on employment during our reference week,” said Nela Richardson, ADP’s chief economist. “Hiring was stronger during other weeks of the month, in line with the strength we saw late last year.”
Leisure/hospitality was again the industry leader in job growth with the addition of 95,000 jobs, followed by notable job gains in financial activities (+30,000) and manufacturing (+23,000). On the opposite end, trade/transportation/utilities lost 41,000 jobs and construction employment dropped by 24,000.
By establishment size, most of the job gains were in the largest establishments (500+ employees), which added 128,000 jobs, and in establishments with 50-249 employees, which gained 99,000 jobs. Meanwhile, the smallest establishments lost (1-19 employees) decreased by 70,000 jobs.
Annual pay changed little in January, coming in at 7.3% year-over-year for job stayers and 15.4% for job changers. Pay increases by industry ranged from 6.6% (information) to 10.1% (leisure/hospitality). Smaller establishments had the smallest pay increases in January (5.5% for those with 1-19 employees), while larger establishments increased pay the most (7.7% for those with 500+ employees).