Business people shaking hands, Young business people shaking hands in the office

Private employment was up 122,000 jobs in July, as noted in the latest ADP National Employment Report.

Many of the job gains over the month were in trade/transportation/utilities (+61,000), construction (+39,000), and leisure/hospitality (+24,000). Meanwhile, professional/business services (-37,000), information (-18,000), and manufacturing (-4,000) lost jobs.

For another month, most of the job gains were in the South region (+55,000), while the Midwest experienced the smallest increase (+17,000). The largest establishment size (500+ employees) added the most jobs at 62,000, but small businesses with between 20 and 49 employees lost 22,000 jobs.

Year-over-year pay gains continued shrinking in July, with job-stayers experiencing the slowest growth pace in three years at 4.8%, and job-changers seeing a drop from 7.7% to 7.2% from June to July