We’re proud to announce the launch of the fourth annual State of Staffing Industry Growth Benchmarking Report, sponsored by TextUs, Avionte, Great Recruiters, and Staffing Referrals. This year, we connected with top industry professionals to give you insight into what drives growth.
As we do each year, we focused on the fastest growing companies and studied what they did differently to achieve their success.
We also changed things up a bit. We took a deep dive into what tech choices drive success and found a few overarching trends to keep in mind as you continue to refine your tech stack:
- Smart automation that helps your team build better relationships is key. Automation without transparency and heart will drive candidates away; all human touch without the speed of automation will leave your company lagging behind the competition.
- The faster, the better. The firms that respond to candidates faster grow faster, too.
- Trust matters as transparency increases. As the talent pool gets savvier and savvier, your team needs to be as authentic as possible to reach them.
This report will help you act on these trends, guide you in building a smarter tech stack, and help you understand how your team stacks up to the competition. Some topics covered in the report:
- Staffing industry growth trends
- Day-to-day challenges
- Time to close
- Cost per hire
- Text messaging software use
- Marketing automation software use
- Referral management software use
- Staffing industry resources and conferences
It will shed light on the tools and tactics used by the fastest growing staffing firms, and it will break down specific strategies used by some of the top companies.