How about a 10-second job application? McDonald’s in Australia debuted a Snapchat filter that puts users in a virtual hat and badge. They film a 10-second Snap to apply for a job and begin the hiring process. Now this trend will move stateside as McDonald’s stores in the US seek to hire 250,000 workers this summer. As a leading employer of young people, McDonald’s is meeting the candidates where they are — on social media. With 161 million daily users, Snapchat is a largely untapped resource for social recruiting and sourcing passive candidates.
Staffing agencies looking to add Snapchat to their social recruiting can learn more with our guide How Your Recruiters Should Be Using Snapchat.
Source: Sourcecon, Apply with Snapchat – Macca’s “Snaplication” Strategy Will Leave Every Other Fast Food Business Undersized!; Chicago Tribune, McDonald’s to hire more U.S. workers this summer, some via Snapchat