Our latest eBook, How Your Recruiters Should Be Using Social Media, walks you through the each of the major platforms, explains how they function, and lays out the individual strategies you can use to up your recruiting game. Here’s a taste of what you’ll get.
Friend Facebook
With over a billion users, Facebook is the best place to start your social recruiting. Check out the optimal times for posting to yield the best results and how to use searches and groups to find passive candidates.
Take on Twitter
Twitter is abuzz with activity. Explore how to cut through the tweets with tips to maximize your recruiters’ profiles and a Twitter recruitment strategy that includes:
- best times of day to post
- the day of the week with the highest click-through rate
- useful hashtags
Sneak into Snapchat
Don’t let your recruiters be scared of Snapchat. Sure, you can use it to trade faces with your dog, but this platform is actually serious business, too. If you’re looking to recruit young millennials, this is your golden ticket. Check out tips for content creation and a list of Snapchat campaign ideas. Â
Integrate with Instagram
Businesses on Instagram have exponentially higher engagement rates than their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Learn how to leverage this engagement to attract more talent. Explore how to use the Instagram’s visual platform to develop your agency’s brand image, too.
Link Up with LinkedIn
And of course, we include LinkedIn, the original professional social media network. Learn the difference between basic and advanced accounts, so you can help your recruiters start at any ability level. Check out these tips on how to curate content, how to turn followers into prospects, and how to get recommendations. Â
Social media is the best way to find and reach new candidates, and it’s importance is only going to grow. Are you ready to get started? Download How Your Recruiters Should Be Using Social Media.