Want more robo-power in your Salesforce recruiting stack? Matt Dichter, Erin Pittman, Hannah Jones, and Andrew McKay have your back. They’re talking AI and automation in Salesforce on July 31st. And you’re invited. Learn practical ways to improve: Candidate and client experience Recruiter...
This is a past event that is now available on-demand.  Registration is open for March 6’s webinar, "Hire Smart, Grow Fast: Mastering I-9 Efficiency," sponsored by WorkBright. For high-volume hirers, fast and compliant I-9 verification can make the difference between gaining...
Registration is open for December 19's webinar, 2024 Leadership Prep: How to Lead with Confidence & Calm in Uncertain Times, sponsored by ClearEdge Rising. As we look ahead to 2024, one theme keeps popping up: uncertainty. The economy, the job...
You can now sign up to watch this month's webinar, How Salo Grew Referrals by Putting People First, sponsored by Staffing Referrals. In a hyper-competitive staffing market, it’s rare to see an agency take a truly unique approach to growth, but...
Registration is now open for this month's webinar, Blueprint for Gaining Successful New Business in 2023, sponsored by Crelate. The staffing industry finds itself in an extremely candidate-centric market with today’s leaders laser-focused on recruiting and fulfillment. In fact, 71% of...
This is a past event. You can now stream the webinar on demand. Registration is now open for December's webinar, 2022 Staffing Outreach Benchmarks and Best Practices, sponsored by Gem. 73% of candidates are seeking jobs passively in today’s job market....
This is a past event. You can now stream the webinar on demand. Registration is now open for November's webinar, How Mobile-First Staffing Platforms Are Changing the Game for Agencies: Improving the Metrics That Matter, sponsored by StaffUpApp. We live in...
This live event has passed. To stream the webinar, fill out the form. Registration is now open for next month's webinar, Onboarding: Stay Ahead of the Competition and Build a Great Brand With Modern Technology, sponsored by Essium. In today’s competitive...
This live event has passed. You can stream the webinar by filling out the form.  Registration is open for next month's webinar, The Financial Impact of Candidate-Centric Staffing: Maximizing Your Return on Investment With Customer Experience Technology, sponsored by Avionté. Facing...
This live event has passed. To stream the webinar, fill out the form. Registration is now open for our next webinar, Automation and AI for Staffing: Solving the Sourcing Challenge, sponsored by Textkernel. The global pandemic forced staffing firms to dive...

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