Full-time in-office work is not popular among employees, according to the results of a new survey from Monster. More than 4 in 10 (41%) respondents said they’d rather quit than return to the office full-time, while 28% said they’d rather get a root canal and 20% would give up a week of PTO.
Over three-quarters (77%) of the employees surveyed are currently working either fully remotely or in a hybrid model. Among them, 63% say skipping the commute is the most important benefit of remote work. A majority said that their mental health and well-being has improved (66%) and that they are more focused when working remotely (58%).
A majority also said remote work makes it more likely that they’ll work beyond typical office hours (86%) and that they don’t feel that it limits their growth opportunities (67%).
For more findings, read the full report.