The VMS (vendor management system) and MSP (managed service provider) markets saw major growth worldwide in 2015, according to Staffing Industry Analysts’ recent annual review on the state of the VMS/MSP landscape. The global VMS market increased by 20%, or $20 billion, and the global MSP market increase by 13%, exceeding the $100 billion mark.
Here some standout stats:
- In North America, the VMS market grew by 15%. It increased by 30% in Europe and by 59% in the rest of the world.
- In North America, the MSP market increased by 11%. It increased by 14% in Europe and by 20% in the rest of the world.
- In looking at the relationship between VMS and MSP, 17% of the VMS market use their own MSP, 42% use an internal service program, and 41% use a third-party MSP.
Source: Staffing Industry Analysts, VMS / MSP Landscape 2016: The State of the Art