Check back often -- we’ll be updating this list of COVID-19-related webinars regularly as more information is released. There’s a lot of uncertainty around COVID-19 -- in the stock market, in public spaces, and in our workplaces. Though some questions...
By Rachel Graff, Digital Content Manager at Avionte As year end reporting season approaches, here are some 2020 tax form updates to two major forms of which firms across the US and Canada should be aware. 1095-C updates for employers providing...
eBook sponsored by Able Form I-9 doesn’t have to be a painful process for employers or candidates. Although Form I-9 is highly regulated, there are ways to innovate your approach to these forms to provide a better overall experience. In...
By Bill Josey, Editor, Staffing Legal News Originally published January 11, 2023  Background On January 5, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission published a proposed regulation flatly banning all employee non-compete agreements, defined as any agreement that expressly or functionally “prevents the worker...
Guide sponsored by Workbright Attention employers! If you virtually inspected I-9 work authorization documents during the COVID pandemic, you are required to physically inspect those documents by August 30th, 2023!  WorkBright has consolidated all the information you need to properly manage...
